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2023-06-19 I cobbled together a journaling system with {neo,}vim, coreutils and [dateutils](http://www.fresse.o...

2023-06-17 --- layout: page title: Porting Python to Ronin Quick Ref --- # Porting Python to Ronin Quick Ref...

2023-06-16 --- title: "Full Time" date: 2023-06-16 tags: - "nlnet" - "search-engine" --- I'm working on Margin...

2023-06-13 # Comic Mono A legible monospace font... the very typeface you’ve been trained to recognize since ch...

2023-06-09 # Kera Desktop An easy, pleasant, speedy, and exciting desktop environment shell for Linux, Windows...

2023-05-07 --- title: I downloaded all 1,680,399 posts on Bluesky categories: bluesky permalink: /bsky/ --- I...

2023-05-06 --- layout: post title: First time crawling with SpiderSuite categories: tutorial description: A bri...

2023-04-25 --- layout: ../../../layouts/PostLayout.astro title: Alternatives to the resize event with better pe...

2023-04-18 When I find a very-good product like this, I ask if possible add a very simple feature for my *markd...

2023-03-19 --- title: Learning BASIC Like It's 1983 year: 1983 tags: ['Languages', 'Hardware'] description: >...

2023-01-26 "nostr" stands for "**N**otes and **O**ther **S**tuff **T**ransmitted by **R**elays" and is an open...

2023-01-23 --- path: '/blog/2023-01-05' date: '2023-01-05' title: 'January 2023 update' author: 'André Staltz'...

2023-01-07 --- layout: post title: "Production Twitter on One Machine? 100Gbps NICs and NVMe are fast" descript...

2023-01-07 --- title: "The beauty of CGI and simple design, by Hales" date: "2023-01-06T23:25:43+11:00" abstrac...

2022-07-28 # You can read my blog posts using `curl` I realised that my blog and its content, even though very...

2021-02-09 = If you maintain an open-source project in the range of 10k-200k lines of code, I...

2021-01-17 --- title: Leaving WordPress date: 2020-09-13 18:15:00 --- # Leaving WordPress **After fifteen yea...

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2021-01-11 --- description: Join it! --- # PostgreSQL Joins ## Joins #### Definition Allows data retrieval...

2021-01-10 [:octicons-file-code-24:][_b64]{: .source-link } # B64 ## Overview B64 allows for the embedding o...

2021-01-04 --- layout: post title: "Steganography using PIL and NumPy" byline: "hiding messages in plain sight...

2021-01-03 Is your website currently up and running? Wouldn’t it be nice to get notified if your website was do...

2021-01-03 --- title: "Get Down With Markdown" description: "In this tutorial I will cover some basic syntax us...

2021-01-02 --- title: Why failed date: December 27, 2020 excerpt: A post mortem on an idea I had...

2021-01-01 --- title: "Learn Javascript ES6 feature with real world examples" date: "2020-03-21" tags: ["javasc...

2020-12-27 <!-- description: "Create content and organize it." date: 2020-12-19 --> # Content There is 3 kind...

2020-12-26 title: Bash shell category: page slug: bourne-again-shell-bash sortorder: 0208 toc: False sidebartit...

2020-12-25 --- date: 2020-06-19 title: 'Scrape web with Node JS' template: post featured: '../thumbnails/node....

2020-12-23 --- date: 2020-07-12 --- # Design pagic.config.ts > Part of the content in this article may be out...

2020-12-21 # Jekyll Fundamentals **Table of Contents:** - [Jekyll Fundamentals](#jekyll-fundamentals) - [St...

2020-12-20 --- title: Wonolo year: 2018 owner: Wonolo, Inc. role: Design Lead, UX/UI Design related: - laughl...

2020-12-19 --- layout: post title: "AWS Lambda can now run PHP using Docker Containers" date: 2020-12-01 18:00...

2020-12-19 --- layout: post date: 2015-10-01 19:00:00 +0200 title: Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto categories...

2020-12-19 --- title: "New remote job" date: 2020-0612 20:20:00 +0200 comments: true tags: - job - remote work...

2020-12-19 --- title: Redesigning my website date: 2020-04-16 excerpt: I've remade my site using...

2020-12-19 --- title: Deploy Plenti site on Netlify date: 2020-11-07 published: true tags: ["Plenti"] series: f...

2020-12-18 --- title: "Building a Fullstack Twitter Clone with Next.js and Prisma" date: "2020-06-29" draft: fa...

2020-12-17 # Markdown Syntax Markdown is a easy-to-use markup language for writing and this document contains...

2020-12-16 --- title: "Implementing a Simple REST API using OpenAPI, Flask & Connexions" tags: ["flask", "opena...

2020-12-15 --- date: "2016-11-20T00:00:00Z" title: How I use Airtable --- My favorite new app of the year is [...

2020-12-14 --- title: How to check Java version and JDK version on Mac author: Justin Bagley date: '2020-01-05'...

2020-12-13 # Markdown This Markdown cheatsheet is intended as a quick reference and showcase of the markdown s...

2020-12-12 # Carolyn Stransky _Software developer (and sometimes still a journalist) based in Berlin, Germany_...

2020-12-12 ## Exporting your Twitter bookmarks in markdown file People used to bookmark tweets using the like...

2020-12-12 --- title: The story of Marp Next date: 2019-06-06 description: Today, I'm so excited to introduce t...

2020-12-11 --- title: "Going static part 2: static comments" date: 2016-08-21 path: /articles/jekyll-static-com...

2020-12-10 --- title: SOLID - Principles of Object-Oriented Design date: '2019-12-07' spoiler: SOLID Principles...

2020-12-09 Imagine you are building a website that can download videos from several video providers such as You...

2020-12-08 --- layout: post title: Docs-as-Code, when (not) to use it read_time: true comments: false catego...

2020-12-08 --- title: End-to-End Encryption in the Browser date: 2020-03-21 author: vjeux link: https://twitter...

2020-12-07 --- title: How to Implement Edit This Page on Github for a Hugo Website date: 2020-06-18T11:10:20-04...

2020-12-07 --- layout: post title: "11ty + Nunjucks" tags: [Web Dev, Static Site Generators, 11ty] toc: true ic...

2020-12-06 <!-- ![Parsedown]( --> <p align="center"><img alt="Parsedown" src...

2020-12-06 # Laravel on AlterVista 🎅 This project uses [PHP Docker official image](